Eugen Suman arbeitet bei JANDL Bratislava und hat für die Beneva Foundation diese Kampagnenmotive entwickelt. „The Internet is a dangerous place – don´t let your children online with no supervision“. Darf man solche Motive zeigen? Schiessen die Motive über das Ziel hinaus? Mich würde eure Meinung dazu interessieren.

Als Pressemeldung schrieb Beneva folgendes:
As informative, fun and social as the Internet is, it can also be rife with content that is inappropriate for children, which the Beneva Foundation campaign illustrates quite literally. It focuses on kid drawings that appear innocent and sweet at first, but are quickly revealed to be vulgar and risque. Children draw what they know and if they are exposed to adult content on the Internet, it will affect their daily lives.
Conceived and executed by Jandl, an ad agency based in Bratislava, Slovakia, the Beneva Foundation campaign may be shocking, but it is not as shocking as the real thing. It urges guardians to not „let [their] children online with no supervision“ because „the Internet is a dangerous place“.
Das alles lasse ich jetzt mal unkommentiert stehen und hoffe auf eure Kommentare.
Hahahahaaa! Das 2Girls1Cup Plakat ist ja der Hammer. LOL
Gute gute gute Aktion. So muss das! ;) Mein Fav sind auch die „beiden“ ;)